5 Benefits of Hidden Pictures Puzzles

Hidden Pictures puzzles are more than just seek-and-find activities. They’re innovative, expertly crafted and full of the humor and challenge kids love.
Hidden Pictures puzzles provide many developmental and skill-based benefits for children. Hidden Pictures are designed to:
1. Promote attention to detail.
As kids gain experience in looking for hidden objects, they become better at focusing on the details of other visual challenges.
2. Increase vocabulary.
Reading the picture clues helps children become visually familiar with the names of many objects.
3. Instill good work habits.
Because Hidden Pictures puzzles are so absorbing, children spend more time on the activity, thus increasing their concentration, persistence and determination. And using the picture clues encourages independence, while solving puzzles
4. Develop self-confidence.
Age is not a determiner of success in completing a Hidden Pictures puzzle. A young child can often spot something that an adult or an older child might miss—even in challenging puzzles. Imagine what that does for your child's confidence!
5. Improve visual perception.
Looking for hidden objects helps kids develop the ability to recognize figures in a variety of contexts.
Whether you prefer a Hidden Pictures activity book or Highlights magazine, you can feel secure knowing that your child’s play will be enriching as well as entertaining. It’s what we like to call Fun with a Purpose™!